- Yoga Sessions

Monday Trauma Centre Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) sessions are offered online via Zoom at 1pm.

If you have questions about this course please contact us. To register please click through to Online Sessions.
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- catherine (under Testimonials)
I've found the trauma sensitive yoga classes complimentary to the therapy I receive.
- Yoga Sessions
In Term 2 there will be both online and face to face yoga sessions offered.
- Yoga Sessions for School-Starters (under Yoga for Kids)
A series of yoga classes for children beginning school.
- Useful information (under General yoga )
It is advised to wait 3 hours after a heavy meal before coming to class.
- Why do we roll to the right? (under General yoga )
Physiologically, since our heart is on the left, when we roll to the right, it remains open and free of pressure.